Thursday, January 28, 2010

My latest 3Ring Circus

My work decided to get back in fashin with how they used to present the Top Producer awards. In the past they had made the brokers into famous album covers, movie characters with academy awards, and classic paintings. This year we brain stormed and thought Circus characters would be fun, and appropriate for the brokers this year.
We spent about a week and a half on the development and design. We had to design the background graphics in a way we could utilize them for several looks, extract the characters from their background, and photshop the brokers faces to the character, then put them all together and figure they Title nad type art. I had to work through this past weekend to get all the posters done in time. Ug, not fun.
At the meeting however, the brokers really enjoyed them, and we got a lot of complements on them.
So without further adu,

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